Owei Foundation
3of Life
Sharing Experiential Truth
Owei knew from early on that One wanted to be One again. One has been lucky to have been inspired by a number of guides who had a beneficial influence, through positive or negative example. One loves to pass on One's love of Self-Inquiry to the keen seeker.
Research Books and Articles

Exploring the Unknown
June 10, 2028
What is more unknown to most people than themselves ? Who can actually confidently and comfortably respond when inquiring : WHO AM I ?

Learning by Un-Doing
June 10, 2028
Un-Doing one's accumulation of habits, preconceived ideas, borrowed opinions and beliefs etc...

Vible Opus 1 - Tao Of Lao-Tzu
Sept 21, 2019
The Eternal Wisdom of the Tao, re-interpreted by VdG in light of the great Masters understanding of the TAO in the past 2,500 years...

Vible 2 - Tao of Thomas
March 21, 2021
The greatest citations of Jeshua Bin Joseph as reported by his brother/disciple/apostle (twin?) Thomas "Didymus"...